Charles & Sally Clark

This archive contains records such as photos, documents, etc. for the children of Charles and Sally Clark who raised nine children in Farmington, Utah. 1969–2013

The Kindex® system recognizes the following “A” Dates in this Archive:
A day
A few weeks
A few years later
A good week
about 10 minutes
about 10 years of age
about 1802
about 1912 - 1914
about 1962
about 2002
about 3 or 4 weeks
about 50 years
about 7 years old
about a month
About a week
about Dec. 20
about eight years ago
About midnight
about noon
about one week &
about two hours
about two weeks
about two years
age 12
age 16
age 17
age 19
age 7
age 71
age of 18
age of eight years
age of fifteen
age of fourteen
age of nineteen
age sixteen
age thirteen
Alberta July 12 1924
all winter
Almost a year later
almost eight o’clock
almost twenty years
approximately five years old
Apr 2
Apr. 26, 1911
April 1, 1861
April 21, 1911
April 25
April 26, 1911
April 28, 1973
April 30, 1931
April 4, 1884
April 6, 1936
April 9, 1935
arduous day
around 1956
Aug - 14 - 32
Aug 15, 1932
Aug 1st 1932
aug 25 - 32
aug 31 - 32
Aug 31-32
Aug. 1st 1932
Aug. 30, 1878
August 10th
August 12, 1974
august 1932
August 29, 1934
August 29, 1951
August 29th
August 3, 1892