Charles & Sally Clark
This archive contains records such as photos, documents, etc. for the children of Charles and Sally Clark who raised nine children in Farmington, Utah. 1969–2013
FaceFarbertonFARMINGTONFarnsworth, B. K.fasdf, asfdasdf asdf asd asdfasf, asdfsadFelício, A. Ribeiro OFellows, JerryFELT, CALFerrin, SamFinch, AtticusFitzgeraldFloFloydFolks-FORBUSH, LANCE BELFORBUSH, NATEFord, Esther LaurettaFox, Nellie MayFranklin, BenFRANKLIN, BENJAMINFredFRIFRIDAYFRIENDS, STUIEfsaf, fsdfsd